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This is where the Diuine One who is beneath Chief Paul will give the prophet's translation of a Book for of words of the World to encourage it to be sound Christianity Doctrine. We acknowledge the Black God who is the Father and the Son as One that made all things visible and invisible by and for the Son. All Right, Yes, Yea Amen. euen Yes, Yea All Right the Amen.
* for example:
Defined Word: 2Bear
1g: to hold in the mind or emotions <[defined word] malice>
4a: to exert[put forth] influence or force
b: APPLY, PERTAIN - often used with on or upon <facts ~-ing on the question>
1: the derived from Jesus Christ, based on the Bible as sacred scripture,and professed by eastern[OR Rock Kissers], Roman Catholic[EVEN Catholicity] and Protestant bodies
2: conformity to the Christian religion
3: the practice of Christianity
*Declares Christianity while DJ's SURNAME before DJ was in the flesh 30 years ago while making this record, Christianity is the Doctrine of Faith for the Christian religion.*
1: a member of any of several church denominations denying the authority of the *Leader of Catholicity and affirming reformation principles of justification by faith alone, the priesthood of This age's believers, and the primacy of the Bible as the only source of revealed truth broadly: a Christian not a *Catholicity or *Gentility
Declares Christianity Apostle Price - Johnson: Protests are those who departed from Catholicity before when Christianity was surnamed for God. We acknowledge the Lord.
1cap: the character of being in conformity with a Catholic[EVEN Unbridled Christianity] church
2a: liberality of sentiments[OR Opinion] of views
c: comprehensive[OR Broad] range <~ of topics>
*Declares Christianity this is a way of life we do not condemn yet we strongly disagree with and seek to edify to become One Accord as believers in the Son of God born of a way according to the Bible and not to man.*
1: the faith, doctrine, or cause of Islam[EVEN Rock Kissers]
2: a popular control devised to seek to have order under the Rock Kisser's god
*Declares Christianity this is a way of doctrine we do not condemn yet we strongly disagree with and seek to preach the Gospel to overcome evil with good.*
1: to put or change into an improved form or condition
2: amendment[EVEN CORRECTION] of what is defective[EVEN False], vicious, corrupt, or depraved[EVEN Lacking]
*Declares Christianity this is what Christianity is to the world, and what Jesus Christ by His Wisdom our Sister is causing to bring to the world of Faithfull believers in the Son of God to One accord, we are being reformed.*
2: to put or bring back into existence or use
3: to bring back to or put back into a former or original[EVEN naturall] state : RENEW
4: to put against into possession of something
*Declares Christianity this is what the Lord revealed that people do not say though they seeks healing and restoration. Also what Christianity is calling his DJ name, DJ Restore*
1: Birth from a virgin
2: the doctrine of Matthew 1 that speaks that Jesus was begotten of God through the Virgin who was married to a Son of David called Mary.
*Declares Christianity those who believe in a thing other than what the Bible says are false or using deceitfull means to separate themselves from the world. *
1: an unmarried woman devoted to a religion
2: a person who has not known their ordained spouse
3: A person who has never become One with a person that is of the opposite sexe
*Declares Christianity a Virgin is not described how many today describe it, in a world lost in lust and lasciviousness, a Virgin is one who may have been a bit lascivious yet never laid down with the other sexe. *
Declares Christianity Apostle Price - Johnson: Lasciviousness is a lewd or froward way of thinking to do with matters of the Light of the Lord. We acknowledge the Lord.
Christianity says: temperately
1a: sparing in the use of food or drink : FASTING
b: not desirous of strong drink
c: not drunk
2: marked by prudent or gravely or earnestly thoughtful character or behavior toward others.
4: marked by temperance, moderation, or seriousness.
5: subdued in tone or color
Declares Christianity Apostle Price - Johnson: Soberly has more to do than only with strong drink, earnest thoughtfull behavior is called Sobriety. We acknowledge the Lord.
Christianity Apostle Price says Holy
1 often cap S: a Divine being
2 often cap S: MESSIAH 1
3: a person established in the love of God by divine promise
Declares Christianity Apostle Price - Johnson: Doest thou beleeue on the Son of God? We acknowledge the Lord.
Christianity Apostle Price says Reaping
1: a being of mankind
2: often cap S: God's Messiah destined to preside over the final judgement of Mankind
Declares Christianity Apostle Price - Johnson: Son of man set thy face against the daughters of thy people, and prophesy unto them that are prophets out of their own hearts. We acknowledge the Lord.
Christianity Apostle Price says Christ
1: to conquer and bring into subjection : VANQUISH
2: to bring under control esp. by an exertion of the will
3: to bring (land) under operation
4: to reduce the fierceness or degree of : settle down syn see CONQUER
Declares Christianity Apostle Price - Johnson: the triune device was subdued by Lord Jesus war club called Price - Johnson. We acknowledge the Lord.
Christianity Apostle Price says Life Force
1a: the special nature proving the living from the not living
b: the ability to live and develop; also : physical or mental vigor esp. when highly exercised
2a: a power of enduring
2b: lively and diligent character
Declares Christianity Apostle Price - Johnson: Vitality is the Force of Life in abundance or against the odds. We acknowledge the Lord.
Christianity Apostle Price says Self-Control
1: moderation in action, thought, or feeling : RESTRAINT
2a: habit of moderation in the over use of the lusts or passions
b: moderation in or way to abstain from the use of strong drink
Declares Christianity Apostle Price - Johnson: Temperance is one's abilty for moderation or self-control in anything. ORDER. We acknowledge the Lord.
Christianity Apostle Price says Rejecting
to refrain with intent and often with an effort of denying self from an action or practice
Declares Christianity Apostle Price - Johnson: we ought to cleave to the Lord and abstain from device idols. The God of gods is jealous of idols in a Disciple's mind. We acknowledge the Lord.
Christianity Apostle Price says Flatterer
1: one in attendance at a royal court
2: one who practices flattery
Declares Christianity Apostle Price - Johnson: a courtier is a person that flatters others with estimation. We acknowledge the Lord.
Christianity Apostle Price says Prove
1a: to seek to gain or achieve
(2): to act so as to invite or provoke
2a: to seek the affections of; esp: to seek to win a pledge of marriage from
b: of an animal : to perform actions in order to attract for mating <a male bird ~ a female>
~vi 1: to engage in social activities leading to engagement and marriage
2: of an animal : to engage in activity leading to mating
Declares Christianity Apostle Price - Johnson I court Wifey for Jesus. We acknowledge the Lord.
Christianity Apostle Price says Officer
one who possesses exalted rank or holds a position of honor
Declares Christianity Apostle Price - Johnson: filthy dreamers speak euill of dignitaries. We acknowledge the Lord
Christianity Apostle Price says Glorify
1: to raise in rank, power, or character
2: to elevate by praise or in estimation : GLORIFY
3: to raise high : elevate
4: to increase the activity of :
<provoking and ~ing the imagination>
Declares Christianity Apostle Price - Johnson: never exalt, only operate in meekness and seek to decrease when another exalts you. We acknowledge the Lord.
Christianity Apostle Price says Justice
an equivalent or a return for something done, suffered, or given : COMPENSATION <offered in ~ for Injuries>
Declares Christianity Apostle Price - Johnson: Recompense is a Good and Bad word, based upon what One sows or puts forth that same One SHALL REAP when RECOMPENSED. We acknowledge the Lord
Christianity Apostle Price says Witchcraft
1a: the chanting or profession of a magic spell
b: a practice or expression magic power
2: something worn about the person to ward off evil or ensure good luck
3a: a way that draws, entices, or delights
b: a physical grace or attraction - used in pl. <her female ~s>
4: an influence of force of attraction
Declares Christianity Apostle Price - Johnson: Charm is a force of attraction seen or unseen. We acknowledge the Lord.
Christianity Apostle Price says Israel
a man who had a son that made a Book of the Old Testament
Declares Christianity Apostle Price - Johnson: Sirach is the Male Parent of the Old Testament Iesus or Jesus even Iesus that wrote Ecclesiasticus.
Christianity Apostle Price says Master
1 cap a: the expected king and deliverer if the Jews
b: JESUS 1
2: The professed or accepted leader of hopes or causes
Declares Christianity Apostle Price - Johnson: We bow only to the Black Messiah that is in Heaven right now as the Only Man, with Angels Worshipping Him.
1: to recognize the rights, authority, or Power of
2: to make known knowledge of OR agreement with <We acknowledge Christ Jesus>
3a: to express Thankfullness or obligation to
3b: to take notice of <Acknowledge Jesus>
3c: to make known the receipt of
4: to recognize as genuine or valid
*Declares Christianity there is a NEED to acknowledge the Lord in this day. Even to the point of speaking "I acknowledge the Lord" the Power of life and death is in the tongue, let us speak Life and acknowledge Jesus.*
1a: to seize of hold (as office, place, or Powers) in possession by force or without right <usurp a throne>
1b: to take or make use of without right <usurped the rights to her life story>
2: to take the place of by or asif by force <must not let *ordinary responses based on inherited prejudice usurp careful judgment>
Declares Christianity Apostle Price - Johnson: the woman is not to usurp authority over the man. Not meaning husband and wife, but at all no woman may be over. We acknowledge the Lord.
1: to place in or asif in a chamber : HOUSE
2: to serve as a chamber for; esp : to accomodate in the chamber of a firearm
Declares Christianity Apostle Price - Johnson: Chambering and Wantonness are things Paul told us not to be in. to act asif we have put One in a chamber or Place. People have been chambering others that they choose to disregard by Spirituall Influence. All Right, Yes, Yea Amen. euen Yes, Yea All Right the Amen We acknowledge the Lord.
1b: lack of respect or reverence for something
Declares Christianity Apostle Price - Johnson: Those who knew a person before they entered Christianity are often treated with contempt by those who knew them before they were born again. All Right, Yes, Yea Amen. euen Yes, Yea All Right the Amen. We acknowledge the Lord.
COMTEMPTIBLE may imply any qualitiy provoking scorn or a low standing in any scale
Declares Christianity Apostle Price - Johnson: many who are like Paul are contemptible liars. Meaning they have a low standing in being a liar. Yet the Lord said let HIS Father be true and euery man a liar. We acknowledge the Lord.
1: free from harm, liability, or loss
2: lacking capacity or intent to injure
Here Christianity Apostle Price shall provide words that the Spirit of the Lord did not give us in His word and teach us other words we can use that the Spirit of the Lord did give us in His word.
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